Friday, July 31, 2009

Crushcrushcrush - Paramore

Rock and roll baby, dont you know that we're all alone now I need something to sing about...

I'm sitting in the Au Bon Pain at the hospital...waiting for my mom. Have I ever mentioned her? Well she has cancer. She's been dealing with it for the past 2 years. And she's had 2 different kinds. Breast and Bone. I call it the B&B Squad in my mind, although that probably sounds really stupid now that i'm typing it out. And somedays i'm terrified. Of losing her you know? Or of dissapointing her then losing her. Or losing her and then dissapointing myself.

But I know she's gonna be okay. Because if anything's taking my mother away from me, it's flying upside down through a an airplane. Not cancer.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello Brooklyn - All Time Low

Okay. So two things. One, watch this video of me ranting and raving about not being able to pee because it's huh-LARIOUS. And two, IM HAVING A PARTY. I mean, I haven't told my parents yet. But I am. And it's going to be spectacular. The theme is Hello All Time I'm thinking crazy colors, amazing music, trampoline crowding, and a large dose of we're too loud and no we don't give a crap. I think it'll be amazing. I'm thinking 30 people guest list? And I'm gonna be exclusive. VERY exclusive.

But this video...yes my shirt says poop.

Mannequin - Katy Perry

That song should be her next single
Life's pretty good at the moment. I'm pretty stuck when it comes to my novel but I have entire life for that. And next week i'm going to Lake George with Zuri. Shout-outs to Izzy, current hottness of the week. I have a new vice, so I have to update that. I have nothing to rant about. Which is weird right? Like i'm always going off about something. Oh! And since i'm a nice person, i'm gonna shout out to my friend David and his YouTube channel Brotherhood of Navada. No the misspelling is not an accident. Yes, it does in fact bother no end. But it's okay. would be the url thing. I guess.

But yeah. I got much love for summer. Awee, I found this and it was really pretty and profound and here.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Next In Line - Meese

So I cut my hair really short yesterday and I like it. I'd post a picture, but I am sans camera at the moment. I'm getting it re-done though. Braids here I come. I'm going to Lake George with Zurbear (Current Hotness of the Week, mind you.) It's gonna be spectacular. And Now Kathleen is coming to visit the first few days of VBS week. I'm super excited. I mean yeah, it's LennyBoo summer then and all. But like, Kels might not even be here. Like, I can't just not let things happen because she may or not be here during VBS week. And I never get to see Kathleen, and I see Kelsey a lot. So it isn't a big deal. At least it shouldn't be, that'd be hella selfish on her part I think.
I'm trying to think of a hotness of the week for next week. I've had Kathleen George, Ariel Bush, and Zuri LaPorte-Airey. Whatever, I'll have picked somoene by the time I have to upload it...which is tomorrow. Here's something cool.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Get Off - Halestorm

This is officially my new favorite song. It' raw, and her voice is amazing. And who doesn't like a song about raw voyeuristic tendencies? Its' amazing. I now have like a bajillion of their songs. I'll review about those later. But Halestorm is most likely gonna be one of my new favorites.

With You - Hello Hollywood

I'm about to watch Little Ashes! It's the movie about Salvador Dali, and he's one of my favorite artists. And only to make me cream my panties, they casted Robert Pattinson as Dali!!! I know, it's bad. And yet, so amazing right? I'm still waiting for it to load.
Oh, and I have a new super close friend. Kopecc. he's my twinny. It was great because we were chatting last night on Skype, and we were on Bing ™ Maps showing each other like...where we live and like where we go. Oh, I've met him by the way! He isn't some like random stalker I met him at a friends party.

But back to Rob. I am so tired of stupid fangirls who come and ruin things. Like Twilight for instance? The real fans? The ones who 3 years ago were gabbing with their friends about Vamp or Werewolf? The ones who had picked Cullen boys before anyone else new about Edward? We who valued Charlie's obliviousness enough to make it a nickname for anyone who was slow? Yeah, we're the real fans. We're the ones who creamed our panties at the thought of the movie, and then when Robert Pattinson was picked, cringed. And now Twilight is just a money scam for Hot Topic. Buy the posters and the movie jewelry. I mean who cared about Edwards jacket or his wristband before right? Oh yeah, no one. Because that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

And now all these girls fangirling Rob too! As if he is Edward incarnate. And I'm like, no, he isn't. But I thought he was hot when he played Cedric Diggory and he's been on my husbands list since then. And I'll love him as a gay man in Little Ashes. And I'll love him in that new movie he's doing with all the sexy pics.

I just want to give some credit to those of us who loved Twilight before it got a movie deal. The REAL fans. And to all you bitches that have never read the books but still see a need to express your opinions, shut the hell up.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

When You Are Near - Carolina Liar.

let's have a break down. it's been a week, and i'm tired.

sean - he wants to be friends. i want him to not talk to me.
ariel - apparently has big news!
zuray - new hotness of the week, and her ex bf is a hoebag.
lamia - stuck babysitting some star crossed lovers<3
henry - saw him in LAKE GEORGE today amazingness.
harry potter 6 - awaiting my spectatorship. it's loaded on my computer. yes it's bootleg. no i am not ashamed.

missed this.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Take A Chance On Me - Abba (Mamma Mia! Version)

So today I went to the movies with him. It was terrible. The only good parts of the day were A.) when he wasn't there and B.) when he got there and we hid from him. He kept getting phone calls during the movie and expecting me to ask who it was, and if I didn't ask? He would tell me.
We saw the Proposal, it was okay, mostly becasue Ryan Adams took his shirt off and I stopped breathing for a second..or two..or three. But who am I to deny my natural reaction to beauty? Oh yeah, I'm no one.
New York on Sunday! For the week! I'm not sure what I'll do without posting everyday, hopefully I'll find a way to. I updated the hotness of the week, my dearest darlingest Relly. So check her out do it I dare you
P.S, today, Henry read me Green Eggs and Ham. In honor of that? I give you this.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

No One - Alicia Keys

Okay, so he was just playing around and whatever. But this is still doomed. it always is. He'll be over in two weeks, and I'm over it now. I don't know, I feel like he wants to be in love with something so bad, he makes himself be in love with me. But I don't want that...I want someone to fall in love with me because they fall in love with me. And besides, i prefer being single. Less rules you know?
For now, i'm just a Juno waiting for a Bleeker...just minus the pregnant part. I'm okay with having nothing but Taco Bell in my stomach.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

xoxo - Nickasaur

So what do you do when after a guy does the most amazing things in the world for you you find out that he was back yesterday, and that he didn't talk to you till today. but he spoke to her. And that he told her not to talk to you. I hate this feeling. Like i'm missing something and he swore he wouldn't hurt me. Well this hurts. I hate this. This is why I run away in the first place.

To answer your question, No, you can't be my hero. And I think i'll keep the pain, thanks.

Happy - Natasha Beddingfield

It's so beautiful out today. I hope it doesn't rain.
It's days like this that make you glad you're alive, you know.
I get to see the bestie tomorrow. I miss her because we like never get to see each other. I love going to her house, it's such a release. And then I'm going to the movies with this guy who likes me and my friend and this other guy and it's going to be fun right? Yeah, it will be.

"Got my dreams got my life got my love, got my friends got the sunshine above. Why'm I making this hard on myself when theres so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy."

Natasha, you got it right.

Sound of Pulling Heaven Down - Blue October

Okay, so I made a new blog for my poetry.
Because I didn't like how all the poetry was stuffing up my blog.
I like the carefree side of this.
Want something a little more conserved, go to my poetry blog. theres a link to it in the sidebar too, underneath plurk i think. whatever it's down there somewhere.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Circus - Britney Spears

well baby i'm a put on a show kind of girl.

So I was watching Slumdog Millionaire with my dad today. And it's amazing how emotional he is.
Amazing in a good way...I don't really know. He's great.
Oh and I have a theory about people with big noses. And why i somehow find them attractive. Like Jamal in Slumdog? SO. ATTRACTIVE. Why? Because he has a big nose. I think it's becasue big noses automatically give someone a character. I hate when people are baseless. No offense against people with small noses, but big ones are so my preference.

I want him and this sick little side of me is helping her get him. It's because I easily get high on the happiness of others...and then a week later I hate them both. Except the inevitable hatred never really stops me. Then again, I'm not ever sure if I want him and she's crying to me for help! Who am I to trash her dreams? Leave that for the critics and the bitches. I mean not saying that I'm not a bitch, but I couldn't possibly do that to anyone. And I really did totally misjudge her.


Bright eyes like the stars that peek out too early at twilight.
Except they're liars.
Soft lips like the skin of a child that doesn't know the meaning of innocence, and yet brings it to life.
Except they're poisonous.
How easily we trust the humble and lowly, forgetting to remember how they might have gotten so low in the first place.
The snake used to walk.
The cheater used to win.
Those who walk with their heads down once lifted their faces to the sun.
Once, the broken were loved.
Once, the broken were loved.

Everyday Is A Winding Road - Sheryl Crow

we get a little bit closer.

Ugh. It's times like this where I wonder why I do the stupid shit I do.
So here I am, all excited over Malcolm in the Middle and how it's the best show ever right?
And then I find out that they aren't actually gonna play a new episode every half hour between 8pm and 5am. They're just gonna play like...7 or so, and then let them repeat. Life is such a bitch sometimes. But then again, I guess I'm gonna get to do Pilates in peace tomorrow. I'm so excited for that, pump up the Amy Winehouse and the John Legend and just work my abs into existence.
Well anyway, it's like 1:30AM. So goodnight. And if you're gonna do drugs, at least listen to Bob Marley while you do them. At least then you can say it was a cultural experience.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Watching Malcolm In The Middle.

Henry and I are great friends.

Eye Of The Tiger - Journey

you traded passion for glory.

So tonight Malcom in The Middle is coming onto Nickelodeon. My friend and I are gonna stay up all night and watch the marathon. It's gonna be amazing. Oh and my layout is all different and amazing. It could be a little tacky that the background on my layout is the same as the one on my myspace, but that isn't really my problem or yours so I doubt you really care. I miss people from school too much. And last night I had a dream that a guy I used to be in love with was wearing my new Gillyhicks Cheeky Butt Lounge Pants (Lime Green...yumm). Gillyhicks is the best store on the planet by the way. (Do I get money for that?) But yeah. Life's good right now. And I blame the dream on the BBQ Chips I had right before going to bed.

Oh and this guy at my church who I'm really good friends with and made out with once is into me again. At least I think he is. I hugged his little brother, and he was all "What no hug for me?" and I was like "No." And then later when he was leaving, he like ran up to me to hug me and it was really sweet. I'm telling you, it was the heels. High-Heeled Black Mary Jane shoes paired with dark skinny jeans. I have the worst shoe fetish. Can't wait till no one can stop me from spending like thousands of dollars on them.

The Hours.AIDS man's Demise!

skip to the end to see Aids Man roll out the window. to like...4:50.


Hollaback Boy - Cobra Starship

let me hear you say this shit is: SUPERCALIFRAGALISTICESPIALIDOCIOUS!

lol best song. but anyway so im talking to this guy right and all of a sudden he thinks it's cool to like..NOT talk to me. which isn't cool. not at all. he's all like "send me pics blah blahblah" and i'm like no way hoe. so he stopped replying.

guys are whores.
except for this one because he always has this strange way of making me feel better. maybe it's the gruff "just banged some girl stupid" hair, or the idea. and no i dont only like him because he's edward cullen so eff off if you're gonna start hatin.

Colorblind - Counting Crows

i am covered in skin. no one gets to come in

No one gets to come in, it's so simple. And it's absolute and unchanging and terrifying.
Because whenever I crack the door open a little, they shove themselves in so far and I can't even stop it or think about it. And then I notice that rather than my true love come in to save me from my loneliness, they're like neighbors who need to borrow sugar or eggs and they borrow and borrow until I have no stores left for myself. They take until i'm empty.

No one gets to come in.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Spider And The Lamps - Forgive Durden

it must hurt so bad with their knife in your back.

So I'm sooo bored and I kinda decided to post a little picture with every post I make like the past two except
for the youtube video...(yes, that was orgasmic. you're welcome).

Well I have a confession. And that is that the only reason I'm making this post is because I wanted to post this picture. I mean it's amazing and I know like three billion skanky hoes that should use these because I was watching sex and teens episode of Tyra like 2 nights ago and like every girl on the show was having unprotected sex. So just a little incentive to use 'em, I give you this one.
And happy 4OJ. (Urban Dictionary WOTD. lmao.)


"I'm 5ft ACE OF CLUBS?"

its love. the purest kind.

Anthem for a 17 Year old Girl - Broken Social Scene

used to be one of the rotten ones and we loved you for that.

So i'm talking to my friend about my others friends new boyfriend.
And I despise him. It's really bad. But I do. He's obnoxious and stupid and I really hate him.
Anyway, bleh this blog is amazing.

Oh it's 4th of July and I'm not so sure im as patriotic as I should be.
I mean seriously, it's just a stupid excuse to wear the most tacky color combination on the planet (red, white and blue) and to be loud and noisy about the bitchiest, loudest, most obnoxious country in the world.
Happy 4th of July People. Don't choke on your over-processed meat products.

now you're all gone got your makeup on and you're not coming back.

The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson

cause i love the way you say goodmorning.

So today I think I figured out somehting important about what I want.
You know run-on sentences? Those amazing sentences that never end and are invincible because they have friends like "and" and "," and they just keep going and not even a moving train could stop them?
I want to be like that. Invincible with the help of my friends. And never ending. And beautiful in a simple and seemingly unimportant way.

get your own layout here.